Company 3 Hosts ASC Master Class, Inspiring the Next Generation of Filmmakers

June 12, 2023 Jun. 12, 2023

Recently, Company 3 had the pleasure of hosting a captivating ASC (American Society of Cinematographers) Master Class, where 24 talented industry professionals gathered for an immersive experience in high-end color and post-production techniques. This event – part of Company 3’s co-sponsorship of the Master Classes — not only showcased Company 3’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of filmmakers but also provided attendees with invaluable insights into the art of cinematography and color science.

Bringing together a diverse group of aspiring cinematographers, each representing various roles within the industry. Company 3’s Chief Revenue Officer Jackie Lee enlightened the audience with a comprehensive discourse on best practices for collaborating with a colorist and preparing materials for an optimal color session. Attendees were captivated by the depth of knowledge shared, recognizing the importance of seamless collaboration between cinematographers and colorists in achieving their artistic vision.

Highlighting technical and creative aspects of color grading, CO3 Colorist Cody Baker demonstrated many approaches to handling the process. From working with Look-Up Tables (LUTs) to mastering High Dynamic Range (HDR), Cody’s expertise provided attendees with invaluable insights and practical techniques to enhance their creative endeavors. Moreover, the students were enthralled by the meticulous attention to detail as Imaging Engineer Emily Faw offered a rare behind-the-scenes glimpse into Company 3’s unique custom LUTs and transforms.

Company 3’s commitment to supporting the ASC Master Class program reflects its unwavering dedication to the advancement of the film industry and its emerging talent. By providing a platform for industry professionals to share their expertise and inspire others, Company 3 is actively shaping the future of cinematography and empowering the next generation of filmmakers.

For more information on ASC’s Master Class, click here.

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